Thursday, May 5, 2011

I consider namely in mandate apt integrate methodology with practice

Thus, in the rural economic is no longer simply rely on resource efficiency of land afterward the metropolis in rural areas to elementary can be a chapter of the subsidiary.
IV is both a rural and urban communities, rural organizations, but likewise to preservation should be a , preservation of natural resources is no longer constant erasure of tissue. In this access, no stuff how differently in rural modernization, the 1st point is to inspect and respect the different levels of rural people's living habits habits. such for a plant tin not be arbitrary , built the store, principally the development of the so-called not at liberty to voyage or alive area. On the contrary can merely be appropriate below the conviction of voluntarism farmers, appropriate for nourishing the ecological poise out some of the structure. Thus, the development of rural areas have the right to self-after I deem the future ambition no longer be in rural areas are closed to the common rural.
In short, creating a current socialist village namely a occasion (to preoccupy and organize) coerce because rural development in the alteration process. the kind of simple understanding of the new socialist village To rely ashore government assistance alternatively along the absorption of rustic surplus fatigue force of urban construction, to ease the employ oppression in rural districts of thought is no accurate.
With the development of society, to change the remedial model, care patterns also change with the change, More and extra nursing schools are set up to open, the nursing school's education is quite major not only to train nursing students in the school of remedial methodology, but also converge on exercise skills of nursing students, private cultivation, cultivation and other aspects of person knowledge, to meet the needs of the modern development of holistic nursing, holistic nursing enthusiasm for the modern train more talents. With the changes in the medical model, clinical and instructing yet closely correlated, many schools have shook to clinical class upon in order to depress the more paperbacks abstract knowledge to facilitate student nurse to understand and improve the student nurse's skills in areas such as capacity and preparations for a period of about 1 annual before graduation, internship, graduate internship is that students integrate theory with train, from classroom to wards and refine independent cerebral and clinical and competence to work is an important stage in medical campuses and the special aspects of education qualified personnel, which makes clinical and teaching are closely linked better. but from the present position,life and go do no flat the camera namely forever merry morning, deserving to the subsistence of inconsistencies in clinical and teaching Medical Nursing lead Work in clinical practice many of the problems, is not satisfactory, and the all health care industry, medical institutions should together magnitude to, the current analysis of the problems, and actively quest appropriate policies and measures to improve the quality of clinical teaching.
With the medical model of change, periods change, care patterns have changed as the overall systematic people-centered care, people's understanding of health and social development onward with the enhancement paragraph is not, accordingly, training for nurses is exceedingly important to the human At present, the systematic holistic nursing care to a nationwide open, humanistic training for nurses, nursing is very important, therefore, human quality training for those of us just go highly important in clinical practice nurses, quality training of human individuality can make us from non-rational amounts ​​and earth view and vulgarization mediocre, language training is a tool for interpersonal communication, but also a tool for human thought, language training, including the four language skills hearing, speaking, and only long-term training, a massive number of languages the use and practice can only improve. private training, including human relations training, ethics training, literature and craft, our cultural institution of self-cultivation,beijing escort, cultivation of logical thinking, etc., because, in the school Zhigu knowledge, not a very good adjoin with the community, relationships are not very broad, so when we are in contact with the clinical level is regarded as very poor. experience is over, relationships improved training, ethics training, literature and arts, our cultural institution of self-cultivation, cultivation of logical thinking and other teacher at school we had a care and cultivation of the humanities course we are in the bud they embark on the clinical, theoretical joint practice, more contact with the patient, and we in the literary craft, culture, tradition
be hard to understand in array to communicate with another folk.
With the development of modern holistic nursing, holistic nursing care in order to better meet the needs of development,beijing escort, people-oriented, in order to change the difference in clinical and teaching, I think that in order to integrate theory with practice, theory into practice, should be more teaching and clinical closely integrated. to complete the relevant theoretical knowledge to clinical practice after, in clinical practice to work in the hospital during the daytime when, after work to penetrate their books open in order to better grasp the knowledge to master, and in clinical patients and to pay attention to communicate with their families, understand their needs, in order to better services for patients, to establish a good relationship among nurses and patients, narrated to the retrieval of the patient an important role,toronto escorts, we would also favor a lot of spare time to learn and master more human knowledge, in order to better communication between the patient, raising the personal Humanities. attention to improving the personal integrity: relationship cultivation, ethical and moral training, literature and art, our cultural tradition of self-cultivation, cultivation of rational thinking, etc., which, with particular attention to improve their language book ability, attention to improving interpersonal skills, strive to improve their skills, in rigid accordance with the rules operate, pay attention to aseptic technique, attention to the conception of love hurt. with movements to ease the anguish of holistic nursing care accustomed to the modern development needs of the times development. This is from our own solutions to health care. from the entire health care industry and medical school, I think the nursing profession should reflect the characteristics for the training of qualified nursing personnel set for clinical teaching in nursing analysis of the problems, attempt the intentions of teaching,beijing escort, teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching evaluation of the reform, and strive to explore a set of conditions for teaching clinical nursing courses.
five, summed up the new
nursing students in clinical internship by the cheap awareness of general wisdom, Role of psychological bias, fewer proficient to accustom to the surroundings and job stress, health risks, labor-intensive and additional issues, strengthening the teaching of nursing students before create a nursing concern quality, and view and pay consideration to language and cultural exercising, it is necessary to grab a solid nursing capabilities. As the consecutive development of nursing, the nursing career requires higher and higher academic qualifications, yet the degree is fair a stepping stone the pertinent state ministries should examine the quality of specialty nursing students, teachers and hospital care with the Ministry of Education and management of several appearances of feasible problems and take fitting measures to continuously amend attach to our fostered the development of new eligible blood.
job as a vocational is almost to board on nursing care, through a short time of internship, I base that nursing locations has its solitary charm, the hospital can not do without health care, doctors can not do without nurses, the patient can not do without nurses the entire environment is inseparable from nursing. Although care is fragmented and cluttered living, but this trivial work has a complete system, depicted as its distinctive and indispensable character. I have chosen this manufacture for their own pride, but also feel the pressure, but I calculate by the time I continue to study, and while a Progressive, I can chance a qualified and in their own situations to make good grades of nurses.

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