Thursday, May 5, 2011

we appliance quality education

s One said: do have tall moral character, of mankind and serviceable to society. a man without a correct ideological and moral qualities as a good basis for life, not a right to deed criteria and guide, he who has the other so-called quality will be favor a broken kite string, will not last long fly in the blue sky smoothly. So, we implement quality education, ideological and moral quality is of first magnitude.
ideological and moral education to the students,beijing massage, should pervade teaching assorted subjects, meantime the language because of its subject material, nature and other characteristics, making the ideological education here has a wider space. Cui Luan Speaking the language of the mended syllabus, said: must consciously get busy the ideological and moral quality to amend the responsibility of the students. This is the rejuvenation of China needs, but also the proper meaning of language teaching. ideological education, including ideological and political aspects of moral quality of, scientific ideological,toronto escorts, elegant and other humanities. In the ideological and moral education in an important situation, we must seriously analyze how depth penetration of ideological education in language teaching.
basic language textbooks for the education of our thinking a rich, beauteous form of the txt. patriotism and revolutionary heroism , conspicuous revolutionary tradition, lofty Marxist ideals, adore of scientific mused and so, almost all of the ideological content of education are contained here. How should give full melodrama in teaching language subjects such functions and advantages, so that ideological education infiltration in language teaching, to arrest the fancy of ​​education and language teaching double harvest,Well .... a male named Pu Cunxin, we absence to actively explore. I usually along to their own learning and practice, combined with the characteristics of the differ articles, to be from the emulating appearances to make a mini synopsis.
First, grasp the characteristics of text genres, creating an atmosphere to inspire feeling, so that the infiltration of ideological education in the emotion. primary language textbooks, some are relatively strong lyrical verse and writing. A common feature of these texts is to use the beautiful We describe a language is a touching scene, creating a location were touching. during the teaching of such article, we should start from the language, scenes and situations procreate the article to explore the idea of ​​which affective factors, so that students understanding of language, sentiment in the subject to the influence of sensitive health to complete ideological education. As the rich modern teaching methods in this regard to our teaching provides a great advantage. If we in the , you can create multimedia animation courseware in reading the texts to music, while a great banyan tree on a static display of a dynamic two different scenes. In such a filmed and sound together to establish the scenario, students are presumable to have an immersive feeling, so that they feel the film is beautiful and the charm of language at the same time, feel the loveliness of nature and lovely, to motivate them to love nature, protect nature, thoughts and feelings. Another example is is a very rich affective message, the content is very touching anecdote. text small girl launched several rubbing detailing matches the content of the nightmare is the emotional climax of the article. a teacher in the teaching of this part of the contents of this design were made: her Please peruse a music students, sitting on the settle with his description of the contents of a little girl acting the movement. props is as simple as can be made in this environment to create a hidden text to convey specific emotions have been so that students received infection, aroused their tragic destiny of the little girl's compassion, so that they had to be more envious of their feelings of the good life. like this, there are many articles in the textbooks, such as town emotional waves, causing their thinking, so as to achieve the intention of ideological education of students.
Second, grab the article's language, structure characteristics, so that the infiltration of ideological education in the assumption. I thought, learn science, science, culture science way of thinking,shanghai escort, it should be the ideological education of the elite of this word in the before cited Cui Luan made very clear. can not be denied that scientific thinking in students the aptitude and methods of the elapse, we have ignored. Why are there so many The superstition that caused to our society as much injury? One important cause that some human lack scientific way of thinking, not ability to acquaint right from erroneous. so we ambition be the aptitude of students to scientific thinking and methods education effectively pay consideration to it. primary language textbooks, such as feature is described in language and speech framework stronger than the logic in the logical and narrative structure, perspicuity of reasoning to introduce students to scientific knowledge, but also the structure and content of these texts is constantly more abstract, boring . how to teach their characteristic vivid, so that students listen clear, it becomes something we 1st need to consider. teaching, we can use vigor, painting schematics, and tabulation and other visualization techniques to send the logic narratives and logical reasoning, thinking specifically taught to students. If a educator teaching a ear with the aircraft's radar and the relationship between screen speaks comprehend her use of vigor methods. Through the filling of a mention a demonstration, the students described in the article, structure, and the relationship between bats and radar had a clear grab of their rigorous logical thinking ability and language skills were also in the process exercise.
three ingredients to browse scholastic texts, beginning from the image, so that infiltration of ideological teaching in the masterpiece of recycling. primary school textbooks in some ideological language quite strong, quite prominent Characterization of articles, such for Articles in the teaching, the penetration of ideological pedagogy seems apt be easier. But we must consider is the language as the education, apt lest the language level into the ideological and moral lessons. teaching tin consider these articles ashore the Characterization characteristics, go hard from the roles, so that the centers of heroes to stand up for students so namely they are heroes that could nearly agreeable, sensible,toronto escorts, and thus consciously one example for their own knowledge. For instance, How namely the movement? We can use pictures, music and other means to inspire the imagination of students and permit them to use language to narrate cerebral movement Qiu Shaoyun. in which students re-creation of the personas in the process, so that they the roles thoughts and sensibilities to the experience, thereby instantly felt the hero of the great, inspired them to medal heroes, heroes learn the thoughts and feelings. This method no merely effectively carry out ideological education, yet also nice to encounter the language teaching requirements.
strong proponent of quality education at the same time, ideological education is becoming extra important to put in front of us. how in language teaching, infiltration of ideological education, we need to keep exploring. According to different aspects of different genres article to the infiltration of ideological education in different ways, I think is an telling path.

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