Wednesday, April 27, 2011

one momentous source of life

The origins of World Environment Day
1972 年 5 September 6 Stockholm, Sweden, held a Day the environment and the pursuit of lust.
the United Nations system and Governments every annual above June 5 on this day assorted activities to promote and accent the protection and the importance of improving the human environment.
6 year United Nations Environment Programme 5 January to elect a membership by the targeted development of the anniversary water, an important source of life
1977 years: care about ozone exhaustion, taint erosion, taint degradation and deforestation
1978 years: Development Without Destruction
1979 years: not to undermine the child's future development mm
1980 years: the new ten-year, current challenges mm does not undermine the development of
1981 years: the protection of groundwater and human edible shackle,toronto escorts, pollution obstruction and control of noxious chemicals
1982 years: mark the 10th commemoration of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment mm raise the environmental awareness throughout
1983 years: the treatment and elimination of dangerous garbage, Acid Rain and Energy
1984 years: desertification
1985 Youth: Population and the Environment
1986 years: the environment and truce
1987 years: the surroundings and living
1988 years: environmental protection, sustainable development, public participation
1989: More universal warming
1990 years: Children and the Environment
1991 years: Climate Change - Need for Global Partnership
1992 years: Only One Earth, caring and sharing
1993 mm Year: Poverty and the Environment mm out of the vicious wheel
1994 years: a kin
1995 an Earth year: various countries People United for a better globe
1996 years: Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
1997 years: for Life on Earth
1998 years: for the life of the Earth,cooling needs apt cost extra stamina. For example, Save Our Seas < br> 1999 Year: Save the Earth namely to save the hereafter of
2000 Year: 2000 environment millennium, act
2001 years: the World Wide Web
2002 years: Give Earth a Chance
2003 years: the water mm billion of life in it! Two Billion People are Dying!
2004 years: the sailor survival of every man's obligation
2005 years: Green Cities, Plan for the Planet,toronto escorts!
2006 years: Mo let the dry land into a desert
2007 years: Melting Ice Hot Topic
2008 years: to promote low-carbon economic
2009 years: the Earth absences you: to unite to address weather change built along the United Nations
11 ; Green Day 31 World No Tobacco Day
6 月 5 World Environment Day
6 月 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
7 月 11 Day World Population Day, International Day
9 月 16 Ozone Layer Protection Day
10 月 16 Day World Food Day International Day
12 月 29
Biological Diversity

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