Wednesday, April 27, 2011

there may be coma

Chinese inhabitants health literacy (51-59)
51. Found dead livestock to report, not processed,toronto escorts, do not eat dead poultry.
Many diseases spread by animals. Such as annoy, rabies, SARS, tall induced pathogenic avian influenza and so on. prevention of animal disease transmission to people, to do: Try not with sick animals, sick animals, such as contact with sick birds; not processed, do not eat dead poultry; not processed, do not eat unknown the death of livestock; do not eat raw or undercooked cooking the piglet, livestock, sheep, fowls, ducks, rabbits and other beef products; do not eat raw or undercooked freshwater fish cooking,toronto escort, shrimp, snails , crabs, frogs and other food; contact with poultry, wash hands after livestock; found sick or dead poultry, livestock must be promptly reported to the livestock sector; dead livestock in accordance with the requirements of the livestock sector to properly deal.
52. servant dog should be vaccinated against rabies; were dogs, cats scratched, bitten, immediately wash the wound as soon as possible and the injection of rabies vaccine antiserum.
behind the onset of rabies can not be cured, merely it namely preventable. people once they are dogs, cats scratch , bite (or licks on broken wounds), swiftly with soap and sprinting water, bathe the wound thoroughly and timely, and then disinfected with alcohol; and as presently as possible to the hospital as medical treatment or disease hindrance and control center, on the wound for further processing, and rabies vaccination vaccine. rabies vaccination must be in accordance with the full dose of the whole process time; If the wound is bleeding, merely too injected with anti-rabies serum or immune globulin.
to control the scatter of rabies, dog owners for dog vaccination veterinary vaccine and then to prevent the dog rabies transmitted to humans. dogs when they go out, be sure to use a dog shackle, or a dog wear a cage jaws to prevent bites to others.
53. In schistosomiasis endemic areas should avoid contact with contaminated water; contact with infected water, it is timely preventive medicine.
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease a serious health hazard, and livestock exposed to water involving schistosome cercariae (the . schistosomiasis infection primarily occurs in 4 to October every annual.
To prevent schistosomiasis, do not have snails (schistosomiasis snails can not be separated in the survival and forgery) of the lake, Hetang, drains in swimming, swimming, playing grass, fish, shrimp fishing, laundromat, vegetables or other activities. because of product and alive absences of contact with polluted water and flood control when applied to take protective ointment, dress protective equipment and other measures. promptly after contact with contaminated water to the local schistosomiasis control in hospital or creation check or prevention treatment.
54. eat qualified iodized salt to discourage iodine absence disorders.
iodine deficiency iodine deficiency causes the body to the natural environment caused by insufficient iodine intake. lack of Iodine is the greatest harm on the people of intellectual development. severe iodine deficiency can cause stunted growth, short stature, dementia and so on. pregnant women, iodine deficiency can influence fetal head development, can also cause premature delivery, miscarriage, fetal malformation.
persevere consumption of iodized salt to prevent iodine deficiency disorders. pregnant and lactating women, nursery children should eat more edibles containing iodine such as kelp.
the natural environment in areIt’s about time high iodine content of the dwellers, patients with hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis patients improper for human consumption of iodized salt and a few other people.
55. 1 per year health check.
normal health retard, we can understand physical health, early detection of health problems and ailments in mandate to alteration the targeted penniless behavior to dilute health risk factors; ashore health inspection found problems and diseases, to seize the best opportunity to take timely fathom.
56. seatbelt (or helmet), not speeding, not drinking and driving forcible in reducing road vehicle injuries.
in road traffic collisions, seat belts can be reduced at 40% to 50% of the risk of harm and 40% to 60% risk of malignant injury, wearing motorcycle helmets and head injury can be reduce the severity of approximately 70%. blood alcohol content increased by 2% each, the occurrence of life-threatening risk of road crashes increased by 100 times. To be responsible for their own health, on society, responsible for the home, drive (or bus), the Be sure to emulate traffic decrees seat belt (or helmet), not speeding, not fatigue driving, drunk driving.
57. to avert the baby away from precarious waters, prevention of drowning.
1 to 14 of China's drowning year-old kid the premier unexpected necrosis causes. to reinforce the supervision of children swimming.
swimming to children and youngsters were led or systematized means, not to separate the water. swimming location, it is best managed on a agreeable swimming pond . swimming in normal waters, to choose clean water, pollution-free, relatively smooth base surface, not weeds, no harmful beasts of the waters. not to swim in waters is unknown. waves massive or while it rains, do not swim in natural waters . the water ahead the event to arrange cautiously in order to avoid muscle cramps after water issues. swimming should also be thoughtful not to slapstick, do not swoop in natural waters.
58. secure warehouse of pesticides, use of pesticides in agreement with the instructions.
Pesticides tin be oral, nasal, rind and other ways to enter the human body, human poisoning.
pesticides to be secondhand to purchase specialized equipment, of special note, can not put pesticides on the basket or baskets in the measure. custody of dichlorvos, dimethoate, etc. mercurial pesticides failure, sure to constrict hats. application of pesticides, should strictly follow the instructions and obey by the rules, pay attention to private conservation. is disallowed on the crop of grain, vegetables, fruits, pesticide applying. prevent pesticide-contaminated water.
of pesticide poisoning wrongly, if the patient {awake|wake up}, they should immediately try to elicit vomiting. poisoning via skin contamination by the skin should be washed immediately. poisoning through the respiratory tract, as soon as possible from noxious environments. poisoning, immediately get heavier hospital.
59. winter heating attention to ventilation, to guard against gas poisoning.
winter use of coal stoves, gas stoves or gas stoves for heating, deserving to poor ventilation, inadequate oxygen afford or gas leakage, can produce large values of carbon monoxide accumulate in the inner, causing poisoning. prevention of gas poisoning to do: try to avoid using charcoal indoors for heating boils, use the stove should pay consideration to air, to assure ample oxygen supply; to setup the winds and the chimney, not toward the air outlet, chimney cleaned regularly,arsenal of the cabinet by family generally do no have doors, to reserve them open; in the use of liquefied gasoline gas also disburse attention to ventilation, often view the gas, liquefied petroleum gas piping, valves, if anybody leakage should be timely maintenance to professionals; in the gas, liquefied petroleum gas stove kettle, cook, pay attention to care, to prevent water overflow off the launch caused a gas leak. such as a leak, immediately close the valve, open skylights and gates, production indoor wind propagation. gas poisoning, the light dizziness, headache, weakness, nausea, , vomiting; caustic, there may be coma, hypothermia, shortness of inhalation, skin bruising, lip color Ying Hong, incontinence. rescue is not timely, life-threatening. It was poisoned, poisoning should immediately migrate to the outdoor ventilation, the solution open seize, to reserve breathing. poisoning should be immediately heavier cry an ambulance to hospital.

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