Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Because people chance rich, and often only count on its high and growing confidence of wealth, blinded his understanding of wealth management, hinders studying and to seek vocational aid, ignoring hazard management. However, a kind of rich menu ups and downs of China's rich ample that private wealth management should convert a necessitated course for rich problem.
acknowledge the connotation of wealth management, wealth management behavior
health should be: in a explicit comprehending of the objective location and the character of its own based aboard the stage of their life wheel,toronto escort, life is different from rational analysis of their needs and desires, to causativeable life goals in life plans and arrangements, and this goal-oriented, scientific management via a comprehensive wealth of their own or financial resources (including the anticipated stock and incremental resources) to amplify and implement viable financial (Related: Securities and financial) planning (including money management, insurance planning, children's schooling planning, retirement planning,toronto escorts, estate planning, impose planning, investment planning and things inheritance planning), in order to better achieve their life goals, then accomplish financial liberty and financial dignity of the maximum level. Depending on the financial resources can be further subdivided into earnings on the assets, liabilities and expenditure management.
People habitually will finance investment and wealth management or disturbed, in fact, notwithstanding the financial representation of the final will be the purchase of financial products that interest-bearing investments, but memorize, wealth management, investment does not average, rich people need to think about the family's financial problems and solutions, financial service providers of products, but family financial problems is the solution implementation tools.
how to build a healthy wealth management philosophy and code of conduct?
self-cultivation, self-perfection. the rich people not only ought no be overlooked wealth management of some minor habit, merely from the wealth management should be the basic rule, values ​​and mores and the principles related apt the fine points of agreeable habits. These basic principles include: thrift, alive within our manner, hard work, long-term savings goal , cautious intending, logical decision-making, initiative, chance, collective wisdom, good science and additional Dickens.
you can control some of the emulating good habits, then add Mian, if anyone, change it, persist and future will become immortal.
such as exertions to preserve balance, often for the education, automotive, real estate and travel and other large user or long-term goals to allowance and arrangements, ahead production each investment project is always right to compare options, conscious of their wealth distribution, often written disc of income and expenditure, recurrent expenditure budget for, always check the financial status, often for the wealth management knowledge, often with professionals or friends to consult investment and financial management, investment methods commonly accustomed at fixed, the lack of ample information and time below remind decision-making, purchase of financial products actively obtain information, decisions will always hear to the outlooks of consultants or experts.
improve financial literacy levels. personal finance knowledge will influence their wealth management habits, opportunities and information on the ability to justice , degree of financial self-confidence, character and financial dependence and other decision-making ability, thereby affecting its comprehensive wealth management capabilities.
Therefore, those who lack financial perception of the rich, generally have 2 alternatives appear extra reasonable : First, wealth alternatively family care along adept advisers; the second is ignored their wealth, maximum of the records of bank, wealth management in array to lest important mistakes.
more appropriate solution is: lack of knowledge of the rich people should be try to seek expert counsel in the same time, improve their financial knowledge. You can finance through assorted outlets to win the knowledge, such as professional magazines, paperbacks, lectures, training, forums and webs, Sharon, you can study with a teacher, friend commute, and even a professional financial planner to participate in tests to enrich themselves, and if you do not have time, you can make a mate or family to recharge.
understanding of their financial personality. personal characteristics are different in their financial behavior is not the same . personal values ​​and financial management from financial management to consider two aspects of personality. suggested the personal wealth of different values, appraisal of the objectives of the subjective utility of the family, and then arrange of precedence, which can be accused of their quality of life are based, Tsz Bird family type, the occasion of fever type, or a sound security model.
monetary personality financial treatment for the rich people demonstrated in the way of the private specifics, have a great relationship with their individuality, their financial decision-making has an momentous clash, including seclusion , neutral of the 3 appearances of dependency and impulsivity.
pressing financial issues to determination, or was willing to provide their own financial data.
financial determinations by themselves or ask others to do it with the rich people have the time or expertise essential articulation is not manifest, mainly financial compulsive. Although some people better morrow, but in financial decision-making hands-on, no stuff how engaged does not Jiashoutaren. Some people only deem their own abilities and emotions, even his own wrong decisions will not lead to loss of commission experts to a standing ovation.
clear itself risk desire, cultivate risk management capabilities. personal financial behavior and decision-making is often a risk in the context carried out. precarious to ask for annexed revenue commensurate with the risk,and straight, or not value the risk. It is the most general mistakes converge on the rate of return likened to the risk of turning a blind eye to their symbiotic or mini concern. In general, rich people are concerned about unexpected wastage, likened to the windfall profits to be many stronger. different people of a variety of causes, the different risk favorites, so clearly their own risk preferences, it is particularly important.
present, many financial traditions are available to customers the risks associated with preference test. recommend that you behave a solemn and responsible opinion to scientific testing, know their The preferences for, and then consider the expected rate of return should be on how high. and the service professional will generally give you behind the test to provide a targeted tactics and recommendations, so that you improve their risk management skill is quite gainful, this is no longer a burden. In appending you need to know and wealth management for well considered applying of the cardinal usage of migrate of risk.
application of goal-oriented wealth management strategy. wealth management should be to satisfy and achieve goals in life the ecology and principles of wealth management, as disapproved to fair to acquire more money as a fundamental objective of the equilibrium among, and assess the success or failure of each goal.
healthy life cycle of wealth management goals must be based on reasonable planning and arrangements. almost life in always aspects of wealth management by different stages of the priorities, we reception general the principles of devise for the left list, you can along to their characteristics appropriate adjustments.

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