Friday, April 22, 2011

then the earth ambition have everlasting thing

Sharks ambition cry too can not stand the test of
always rushing things lost , always too hasty , people are vulnerable , and it is ravenous, the weak , the people tin learn to be strong , the rapacity , the people obtain Meet , yet in this world, what is eternal ? what is not be evaporating ?
once smart, immediately look by the fuzzy , was unlocked in the lust , ignorance of the past, beauteous for ever. that The road will never be the outcome , no intention. go tired, suddenly thought of giving up the Inn for dissimilar person creature . However, a human is full of emotions, so they fashioned a many helpless .
helpless Of people , helpless in the stuff. people slowed down, in undergoing , people are generous , but is selfish, those headaches choice is a dilemma that matter , in truth, life is In this way, unpredictable alteration . No one can alteration destiny, no one can prophesy the future , the merely way to do it , only to build their own happiness and fewer sorrow .
juvenile people, vigorous adore , the girl is compliant to sacrifice All exertions to disburse , the chap can be difficult to accept for free , as time goes , things get simple , too easy to dart away .
why in this world, do not understand too many folk adore , forgotten human Too much, because human is grass is always greener .
people always occupied the imagination of life , whether you learned to be content with the treasure , then the world will have eternal thing, too !
thoughts of the past , stretching We do not, the time waiting as the people into past, forward the way , persist to lose , and proceed to have , and I am disturbed memory of past events inscribed ashore the wall of that , that no constant of years, always live in my life .
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I do not ambition to enrich the dense fragrance , there namely not vacant

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